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Friday, November 19, 2010

Problems with same student

I forgot to post this last week but i am still having problems with the same student. He got into a fight in my class last week so i took him to the office. I knew if i called his mother then she would be in my office within 30 minutes. My principal was at a meeting so i called the superintendent. He told me to send the both of them to ISS for the day until my principal could get back and handle it. I looked at the student and told him that the superintendent told me to take him to ISS for the day and he looked at me and laughed. He said "i don't go to ISS, my mom told me never to go to ISS no matter what unless i she told me it was ok.'' I called the sup back and he told me just to put him in the councelors office for the rest of the day. I guess his mom thought he was wrong because she never called me or showed up in my office and he was in ISS the next day.

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