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Monday, November 29, 2010


Blog Reflection

            I like the idea behind creating a blog. I felt that there were too many requirements for the blog. Instead of 7 pictures I think we should have only had to do 1 or 2. Instead of 2 book reviews maybe just 1. We as first year teachers have a lot going on and on top of teaching, planning lessons, grading papers, and doing MAT assignments we had the burden of trying to keep up with a blog. I can honestly say that I hardly looked at anyone’s blog because I was in such a rush. I just logged onto mine, posted things, and logged out. I probably looked at other blogs 5 times. I have talked to some of the MAT students that are followers of my blog and they never even looked at my postings. I think the blog is a good idea because I can see how if a person had more time it could be very useful.
One big problem I ran into was that my school had blog spot blocked. I had to wait until the weekend and go to my girlfriend’s house or to my parent’s house to post things so it was very hard for me to get everything posted and meet all of these requirements because I didn’t have easy access. My school allows word press but the assignment required blog spot. I think students ought to be able to use whatever site they choose to create a blog as long as they post the correct URL address. It would have been a lot easier on me if I could have used word press because I would have been able to get online and post thins right after they happened. Instead I had to wait until the end of the week to post it and sometimes I would forget some of the details.
I feel the purpose of the assignment was so we could communicate with other students who are in the same situation we are. I could share things that happened to me and I could also read about some of the similar things other first year teachers were going through. The problem is that no one really looked at any other blogs because they were so pressed for time. The other purpose was to teach us how to create and use a blog. I just think that there should be fewer requirements for the blog. We learned how to create the blog, post things, post pictures, and post book reviews. If we choose continue blogging after this course then we will know everything we need to do so.

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